Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Goodbye sickness, hello back pain!

Over the past few days, my nausea has gone down SO much.  It's hardly even there anymore.  On the other hand, my lower back has been KILLING me instead.  So I guess it's a trade-off.  But thanks to back rubs and comfy couches and Tylenol, I am dealing with it.  Being at work is the hardest, but the nurses try and help me out by bringing me pillows to prop up with during my case.  Derek has been great too -- taking over most of the cleaning and grocery shopping and general errand-running.  Today makes 9 weeks and he or she is over an inch long and weighs 4 grams according to what I am reading.  Derek got out our food scale and figured out that 4 grams is only as much as a nickel and penny, but it's still progress!  I've now had a few people at work tell me I am starting to look pregnant, which is kinda neat and kinda weird all at once.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So - I need you to start posting some belly pics and we can't wait to see you in about 5 WEEKS!!