Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving in Branson and Santa Too!
This year we went to Branson for the week of Thanksgiving with Derek's family -- so fun! We had great time relaxing and seeing some great shows, especially the new Noah show. If you are in Branson, it is well worth it! We also did a lot of shopping and Natalie, Sadey, and Charity got to see Santa down at Branson Landing. He was the best looking/most authentic Santa I have ever seen! Natalie's ear was bothering her, so we couldn't get her to smile when she was posing with Santa. I still think the picture is cute though!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
5 Months Old and RSV!
Today is Natalie's 5 month birthday! However, today was not the best day for little miss Natalie. She has had a pretty nasty cough for the last couple of days and hasn't been sleeping well at night at all. If you know Natalie, then you know something is wrong if she isn't sleeping well! Also, she coughed so much and so hard last night that she threw up carrots all over Derek at about 3 am. Yuck! So I called the pediatrician hoping they would call in some medicine to at least help her sleep better at night. But, of course they wanted to see her in person. So I brought her in this afternoon. The doctor listened to her lungs and heard some major wheezing going on. He then decided to do a test for RSV (a nasty respiratory virus, for those who aren't familiar) -- just a nasal swab -- and the test came back positive for RSV. So now my life is full of breathing treatments (every 4-6 hours) with 2 types of medication. Natalie actually does pretty well with them...she is getting used to the mask I think. I'll be sure to take some pictures in the next few days of her getting her breathing treatment! Hopefully these will help her expel any nastiness in her lungs and sleep a little better at night. She is supposed to do these breathing treatments for about a week and can't go back to day care until Monday! Thank goodness Nanny is able to come and keep her!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
4 Month Checkup and Rice Cereal!
Yesterday Natalie visited her pediatrician, Dr. Bubenzer, for her 4 month checkup and shots. She got three shots (2 in one leg and 1 in the other) as well as an oral vaccine. The doctor said she looks great and seems to be a very happy baby. She was really impressed with how strong Natalie is for her age, especially in her legs. The doctor really thinks she will crawl early! Here are some stats:
Weight: 13 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 25 1/4 inches long
I didn't get percentiles, but I think she falls right around the 50% range for both categories.
Dr. Bubenzer also said we could start her on rice cereal twice a day -- spoon fed! So tonight we stripped her down to her diaper, put on a bib, tried out the high chair for the first time, and went for it! As you can see, she absolutely LOVED it. She really got the hang of it and wanted more when she was finished! By the time we were halfway through, she would open her mouth really big when she saw the spoon coming at her! I think she'll do great with baby food too in a few weeks!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just for Susan!
This post is just for Susan, who threatened me yesterday with the statement, "If I look at your blog and it says 'Backwards in the Bouncer' one more time...." Haha. So I guess I am seriously terrible at this blogging thing. I do forget that not everybody sees Natalie all the time. AND of course I'll blame a little bit of it on Derek, who "misplaced" the little gadget we use to upload pictures from our camera to the computer. Hopefully we will either find it soon or just suck it up and buy a new one. ANYWAY, here is what Natalie has been up to lately:
1. She can totally hold her head up now
2. She is a rolling machine when you lay her down (I love going to her crib every morning and seeing what position she has gotten herself into!)
3. She smiles A LOT, and loves to smile back at you when you smile at her
4. She is beginning to laugh out loud, but I still can't get her to laugh whenever I want her too. It seems pretty random so far.
5. She "talks" all the time!
6. She is definitely teething -- always chewing her clothes, passy, fist, my hand, teething rings, or anything else she can find to put in her mouth. Baby OraGel is my best friend. Her daddy has stripped her of the "good baby" title for the time being, as she is quite fussy these days.
7. She is losing her hair, especially in the back where it rubs off on her carseat and in her bed. I have to lint roll her sheets every day to get the hair off that she loses at night. Otherwise, I'd have to change her sheets every couple of days
8. She is wearing 3-6 month size clothes (nothing 0-3 months fits her at all!)
9. She will be 4 months old on October 11.
10. She goes to the doctor Oct 15 for lots of shots and a general checkup. Hopefully the doctor will tell us we can add rice cereal to her bottle and even maybe start her on baby food in a month or two.
11. She lays on her "play gym" and actually grabs and swats at all the toys hanging down. Her favorite is the monkey.
12. She is moving up to size 2 diapers in the next week.
13. She is drinking 5-6 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. Still sleeping at night for about a 10 hour stretch!
14. She is known as "nosy Natalie" at day care because she is always looking around at everything that is going on.
15. She is excited about Halloween and is going as a baby giraffe.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Backwards in the Bouncer
This morning Natalie did something really funny! Derek and I are pretty guilty of using the bouncer as a babysitter while we get ready, especially for church. So this morning while we were getting ready, she was laying in her bouncer (on her back obviously) looking around and smiling as usual. As we were getting dressed for church, we would pop in on her and make sure she was still OK. Well, Derek checked on her and she was on her tummy, face down in the bouncer! I guess this was her first rolling over attempt, although I'm not sure it counts because she wasn't flat on the floor. Needless to say, we must definitely strap her in to her bouncer from now on!
Tomorrow I am starting work! By the way, Derek is teaching PE and 7th grade social studies at Cloutierville Elementary/Jr. High as well as coaching basketball for all who didn't know. Needless to say, it is taking him some getting used to! He is really starting to appreciate how good his kids were these past 3 years at Summit View.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
2 Months Old and Lotsa Shots!
Natalie is officially two months old (as of yesterday)! I can't believe it! Today she went to get her 2 month shots, which consisted of 4 needles (2 shots in each leg) and an oral vaccine. It was really funny watching her take the oral vaccine and her reaction to the medicine as they squirted it in her mouth! It was not funny, however, to watch her reaction to the 4 shots. As you can imagine, there was a lot of screaming. But she pulled through like a champ. Nothing a little Tylenol can't fix. Here are some recent pictures. Sorry they are a little blurry.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
FINALLY all settled in....
So apparently I am the world's worst blogger. To my credit, however, we've had a REALLY busy month! On July 12th, we started the journey to move back home to Louisiana. We got here the next day and have been getting settled in ever since! We are currently living in my grandparents' vacant condo off of Jackson Street in Alexandria until our house sells and we can buy or rent another place. It's small compared to what we were used to in Kentucky, but it's free, and very convenient. So no complaints here!
After spending lots and lots of time with our families, we are finally settled in and are staying in the condo for more than 2 nights at a time now! It feels good to be in a routine! Last week Derek and I went to the beach along with his sister and her husband. We left Natalie as well as their 4 year old and 6 year old with Nanny (Derek's mom). I must have really needed a vacation, because I did great! I was really scared I would be miserable without Natalie, but I did just fine! Hope that doesn't mean I'm a bad mom or anything....haha. Gulf Shores was a blast and Derek and I had some much needed time together.
Derek is starting work this week (teaching math at Dry Prong Jr High, unless something from ASH pulls through today) and Natalie is starting Day Care next week (the 11th). She is getting so big!!! I can't believe she is almost 8 weeks old! She is smiling a lot now, especially in the morning, and is doing great with holding her head up more and more. She is getting so LONG! I know she'll be rolling over before I know it! I am starting work on August 18th, so I'm going to enjoy my last couple of weeks! Pictures of Natalie to come soon, I promise.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Some really great pictures!
Go to and click on the Natalie Claire link on the bottom right of the page. My friend Allison took these really awesome pictures of Natalie a few days ago. Enjoy!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Getting big!
Natalie is getting so big! I have noticed in the last couple of days how filled out she is getting. And longer too I think. We are doing great with her -- in a good routine of feeding and finally feeling really comfortable with her. I sometimes wonder what in the world I did with my time before she came along! Tomorrow the girls are coming to visit for a few days and I am SO excited. I know Natalie will love meeting them and Mommy and Daddy will really love the extra 8 hands!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Eat, Sleep, Poo, Repeat
Derek is a pro at playing PS3 and holding
A little half-smile
I think Derek and I are getting into a little bit of routine! And it only took us 2 weeks! Natalie eats about every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night (but only because we wake her up to eat!)....I think she could easily sleep in a 5 hour stretch if we let her. She is already growing and looking more like her Daddy every day in my opinion!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Recent Outings
Natalie sleeping at Max & Erma's
Ready to head out on our first family outing
Recently Courtnie and I have felt comfortable enough to take Natalie out on the town a bit. A couple days ago we went to OUTBACK and had dinner. She slept through the whole thing. Nobody bothered us and the food was great. It sure was great to finally get out, more so for Courtnie b/c she can't drive yet so she can't get out on her own. Yesterday we also took a short excursion. We went to a local shopping center here called Crestview Hills. Courtnie got a pedicure done while Natalie and I strolled up and down the street. After a while she(Natalie) and I went into Border's Books and I read her a few books. She slept through most of story time but I think she liked it. We have also had a recent round of company come over which was awesome. Aunt Kristen, Aunt Lori, Aunt Becca, and Dave all came to visit. Aunt Kristen said she does not hold Infants but by the end of the night she could not resist. I posted the picture to prove that as well as some others.
Natalie's cord/bellybutton thing finally fell off. Thank goodness. That thing was gross......
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mommy Post #5
I can't believe Natalie is over a week old! She is growing like a weed already! We took her to the pediatrician yesterday and she is doing great. She left the hospital weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces and was up to 7 pounds 11 ounces after being home for just 5 days! Our little girl sure does like to eat! Mom and Dad left yesterday, which was a little scary, but we are doing just fine on our own. We might even take Natalie out in the stroller a little bit today. I am feeling better every day and I think my incision is healing well. Of course I'm still a little sore, but nothing like it was last week! Last night Natalie slept really well. She didn't want to go to sleep until about 1 am, but she slept from 1-5, had a bottle, and then slept again from 5:30 until we woke her up at 9 for another bottle! No matter how much she sleeps at night, I just don't feel really rested when I wake up! I guess my body just needs more time to recover and get back to normal!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mommy Post #4
Well, we've been home for a couple of days now and Natalie has done so well! Last night she even had a 4-hour sleeping stretch between feedings! She really only wakes up at night to eat and then doesn't have much trouble falling back asleep. Derek and I are really lucky so far to have such a chilled out baby. She definitely has her daddy's personality! We are able to sleep 3-4 hours at night so far, so that's not bad at all!
Natalie goes to the pediatrician tomorrow morning for her first visit. It will be interesting getting everything ready and out of the door by 8 am! I am scheduled for a doctor's appointment on Monday (23rd) so the doc can check my incision. Other than that, we really have no plans! I think mom and I may get out today to get a pedicure or something while my dad and Derek watch her. I need a small trip out into the real world! Then I think Derek and my dad may go golfing this afternoon.
Mom and Dad are leaving tomorrow morning after Natalie's doctor's appointment. It will be sad to see them go, but Derek and I are confident we can handle her on our own now! We will have about 10 days to ourselves and then more company! Susan, Leigh, Laury, and Allison are headed up at the end of the month to meet Natalie and hang out. I am really excited!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Today I woke up and realized that today was my first Father's day. I can't tell you how special it was for my FATHER to be here with me on my 1st. My dad is my HERO. His example of what a Man of God is and the loving, supporting, and caring father he has always been is one of the greatest blessings that I have ever received. I just pray that I will be the kind of Father to Natalie that My DAD was and is to me. So to all you 1st time or 100th time dad's out there, I hope your father's day was as special as mine was this year.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Daddy Post #4
Mommy Post #3
It is 5 am and Natalie has finally pooped! We put her in the nursery for the night, but I ended up calling the nurse at 4:30 am for some pain meds (oh yeah) and she happily reported to me while she was in here that Natalie pooped twice since midnight. Guess that formula really helped things along! So we should definitely be going home today (Saturday) at some point. I decided that Natalie is very stubborn sometimes -- wonder who she gets that from? Haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get another hour of sleep here before they bring her back to me. I was just too excited about the poop news to go back to sleep immediately. Is it sad that my biggest excitement these days involves baby poop? Hmmm.... I am still feeling pretty good, but as my good surgery drugs continue to finally wear off, the soreness of major abdominal surgery is starting to appear! I am realizing how much help I'm gonna need when I get home!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mommy Post #2
Mommy, Daddy, and Natalie are doing great! Mommy and daddy are a little tired (OK, a LOT tired), so we are going to take advantage of the nursery tonite! We got about 4 hours of sleep last night, which was more than the 1 hour I got the night before! Needless to say we felt a lot better today than yesterday, but are still in need of some sleep. We SHOULD be going home tomorrow as long as Natalie decides to poop for us. She still hasn't pooped and the doctors won't let her go home until she does. Hopefully tonite's the night and the formula she will get in the nursery will help her along in that area. Everything is going well -- she is perfectly healthy and getting cuter every second. I think I get my staples out tomorrow before I go home (all 15 of them, yuck), but I'm not totally sure. Hopefully we'll get out of here by tomorrow afternoon and can enjoy Father's Day at home. But unless she poops, we are stuck here until Sunday :( Sorry, no new pictures from this post, but some will come soon!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Mommy Post #1
Hi Everyone
Long time no post for me, but I've been a little busy! Just wanted to let y'all know everything is going well with Natalie. Derek and I are getting used to her and she is getting used to us I think! It is still very surreal that she is ours, but I know we will eventually get used to the idea! I am doing well -- no more IVs and catheters and moving around pretty well (just really slowly!). I just wanted to post a link to the Christ Hospital website that shows some new pictures of Natalie today! I think Derek referenced this in the previous post....... Enjoy!
Daddy Post #3...... A Little Bit of Everything
More relatives from the great state of Louisiana arrived to see us (Natalie) today. My mother and father ( Poppy and Nanny) , Aunt Crissey, Cousin Sadey, & Courtnie's dad ( Big daddy).... It was so fun to watch all their reactions. The crying, laughing, comparing of features, and kissing of heads. It was very heartwarming.
I posted a few pics of the goings on... Also earlier tonight Courtnie got all but 1 of her wires and hoses disconnected. The other comes out in about an hour from now. She has been feeling so much better since then. Oh also Natalie got her first official pictures made today. I the DAD dressed her all by myself for these pics. Thank You very Much! I will have a web address for yall to visit in later post to see them. That will take about a week or two. Last but not least I did sneak Courtnie in some BIG BOY to eat tonight. She loves her a Philly Chicken Sandwich. So do I YUM-O! ( She cuts the peppers though!!! Almost Ruins it!!!) I digress......
Other than that, its all quiet on the home front.......Natalie is such a sweet baby , so calm and so chill. I don't care if it does not last it sure is awesome right now. She is the best baby in the world, no comparison....
Who's Your Daddy #2......Settling In Part 2
Well all is great in Natalie Land. She is such the sleeper right now. Well take that while we can.As far as feedings go she has fed like 5 times and the nurses told us 1 or 2 is good at this point. Quite the eater but hey she was doomed by genetics. The staff Pediatrician came in and gave her a full exam just while ago. Proud to report a clean bill of health for the baby girl. Momma is doing great also. She is up and around more than any nurse thought she would be at this point. She is already on solid foods and all her wires and hoses come out today. My parents and Mr. Richard arrive today. Courtnie and I can't wait. Here are a few more pics for your viewing pleasure.....Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers....
P.S. the pic of just her feet is the Baby-Low-Jack system they have here..HA HA
Here are a few pics of Natalie and her parents...........
She's here! I can't beleive it! It was scary for a second when they whisked us away to get a C-Section real quick. All went well by the grace of GOD though. Praise be to him. I now have a beautiful baby girl! Mommy is doing AWESOME too! Courtnie was so INSPIRING through all this. I am the luckiest guy in the WORLD! . I will post more pics later this morning. I am sure you are all reading this in the AM anyway...Thanks for all your prayers...We love you all
She's here! I can't beleive it! It was scary for a second when they whisked us away to get a C-Section real quick. All went well by the grace of GOD though. Praise be to him. I now have a beautiful baby girl! Mommy is doing AWESOME too! Courtnie was so INSPIRING through all this. I am the luckiest guy in the WORLD! . I will post more pics later this morning. I am sure you are all reading this in the AM anyway...Thanks for all your prayers...We love you all
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Derek's Post # 9..........More Juice but no help
Courtnie is still hanging in there great .......She had to get her nurses to up the juice on the Epidural and the Pitocin Drip. Now she is feeling much better. BUT Natalie's heart rate is high so the DR has decided to do a C-Section. Pray for Courtnie and the baby. This will be my last post for a while
Derek's Post # 8................. Holding Station
Courtnie and the baby are both doing great. Mrs. Elizabeth and I have eaten our dinner and are hanging out with Courtnie. There are a few things going on not previously mentioned....
1) Station is still in the MINUS...meaning she is not dropping like she should. If Courtnie dilates all the way that means the baby might be too big to come out of the CANAL. The only way to then safely deliver the baby would be C-Section.
2) To counter act all of the above the doctor just came and started her on a Pitocin Drip. This should intensify the contractions and hopefully push Natalie to a Positive Station.
Keep Courtnie in your prayers....She really doesn't wanna have a C-Section but knows it might happen.
Derek's Post # 7 .....Broken Water
As previously stated, the doctor was suppose to come in and break Courtnie's water for her but Courtnie's water just broke all by itself. She has been very proactive in this process up to this point. Going into labor on her own and now water breaking own its own. She was happy that it happened without help. And at her request, there will be no pictures of the broken water....
Derek Post #6........".Hello my name is Ron and I will be shoving a SPEAR into your wife's back"
Epidural is in! I almost passed out during the installation. I had to leave the room twice.. No joke. I now get why GOD created women to bare children b/c I am a big fat WUSS and so are you other GUYS don't even try to tell me different.....Anyway...Courtnie was a CHAMP all the way through it, she is now Numb and trying to get some sleep. The doctor will be in soon to break her WATER....She is now about 4 to 5 cm dia and almost completely effaced. She is doing so GREAT, you guys don't know how proud I am of her!
Derek Post #4....She's in LABOR
COURTNIE has been feeling pain all morning so we came in to get her checked. She was 3cm dia. & 90% effaced. We are now all checked in the hospital room. She has an IV in and she is about to get up and do a little walking. Also, the DR. has already came by and said all looks great and we should have a baby some time TONIGHT!! BOO YAH!!!
Derek's Post#3 ...It has begun( We Think?)
Contractions for Courtnie began at 5Am this morning. We think its the real deal. Currently they are 8-10 minutes apart. Ruston has been brought to the Kennel for the time being and We are all packed and ready to go to the Hospital when they get about 3-5 minutes apart....More info to follow..
Monday, June 9, 2008
Derek's Post#2-Harder than it seems or is it just me?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Derek's Post.....
Hello All! Following J. Nida's lead I will attempt to keep everyone updated during the process of the birth of Natalie. Not much to update now. Courtnie has a doctor's appointment on June 10th(D-Day). If nothing happens between now and then, hopefully they will give us some good options. In the meantime pray that she comes soon, Courtnie is starting to get a little( alot really) miserable.
Contractions Contractions!
Hi Everyone
For the past 3 days I have had a lot of contractions! They are not regular and not too intense (but are getting more intense each day!), so no rushing off to the hospital or anything. The doctor says they need to be 5 minutes apart for at least an hour to come in...
They come and go throughout the day, but tend to slack off when I lay down or take a bath, which means it's not "real labor". Hmmm. I am really hoping Natalie decides to come out this weekend cause I really don't wanna go back to work Monday!
Hopefully these contractions will strengthen and get into a regular pattern! Until then, I am doing last-minute things with mom just to make sure we are ready. Today we are gonna go shopping a little and try and walk this baby out! I've tried several home remedies and I will keep on doing them (long walks, spicy food, pressure points), so maybe all this will help things along!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
39 Week Appointment and just a little progress...
Yesterday me, mom, and Derek went to the doctor for my 39 week visit. It seems I have a made a LITTLE progress since last appointment, but not too much. I am still not even 1 cm dilated, but I am 50% effaced, which is a measurement of how much my cervix is thinning out. Apparently you have to be effaced a little before you can dilate. Now that I am effacing, hopefully the dilation will follow soon! My blood pressure was great (120/78) and I had gained only a pound in a week and a half, which was normal.
Natalie is doing great -- just running out of room! I am posting an eviction notice for her by this weekend (my goal is to have her out by Saturday)! I am really enjoying my time with mom and all of the cleaning and cooking she's been doing for us. I am getting spoiled for sure!
My next appoinment is next week on my due date (Tuesday), and if I'm dilated more, then they may consider induction at some point after my due date. We'll see!
Natalie is doing great -- just running out of room! I am posting an eviction notice for her by this weekend (my goal is to have her out by Saturday)! I am really enjoying my time with mom and all of the cleaning and cooking she's been doing for us. I am getting spoiled for sure!
My next appoinment is next week on my due date (Tuesday), and if I'm dilated more, then they may consider induction at some point after my due date. We'll see!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
38 Weeks Today!
Sorry -- it's been a while since my last post!
I can't believe my due date is only 2 weeks away! In some ways it seems so unreal that it's already almost here, but in other ways, my body is screaming to get this baby out! I'm STILL not dilated, but Natalie's head has come down further in the past week. I go to the doctor again on Monday (June 2nd) for my 39 week appointment, so we'll see what happens! Maybe I'll be at least a little dilated...
Mom is coming in tonite and I am SO excited. She will be here for several weeks -- until and after Natalie is here and we get settled in at home. Derek is on his way to the airport now to get her. I am excited she is able to come in time for my birthday tomorrow, so that should be lots of fun!
Derek gave me my birthday present a little early today -- a beautiful drop-down emerald necklace that I saw at the jewelry store not too long ago and loved! I know I'm not much of a jewelry kinda girl, but this necklace is SO pretty -- and I really love my birthstone!
Hopefully Natalie will be here soon, but I know she will come when she's ready, so I may be waiting a while! It is getting more and more difficult to sleep at night, but I guess that's just practice for when she arrives! I've started getting a few signs and symptoms that labor is coming sooner than later (in the next few days to weeks), but I'm not sure the details are appropriate for the blog...haha!
Friday, May 16, 2008
36 weeks and NOT BREECH!
I went to my 36 week appointment yesterday and had an ultrasound which revealed 2 things. Number 1 -- Natalie has flipped around and is in a head down and ready-to-go position. Number 2 -- Natalie is a BIG girl! The ultrasound estimates her to be about 7 and a half pounds already, and if I go until close to my due date, the doctors say she will be 9 pounds or so. Wow! Now I kinda want to have the C-section so I don't have to push her out! Just kidding, but it is nice to know that I might end up avoiding a C-section! In other news, mom is coming up on May 27th in time for my birthday on the 28th to stay with me until and after the baby is born for a while! I am so glad she is willing to do this -- I know it makes Derek rest a little easier having her here and ready to help out when I go in labor. And I'm just excited to have her here so we can hang out and have some mom/daughter quality time! Derek is in Louisiana now for a few more days for Casey and Bridgett's wedding, so hopefully Natalie won't try and appear while he's gone. I'm not worried -- I got checked yesterday and I am not really dilated at all. I should be good to go!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
35 week appointment
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 35 week appointment...everything was pretty good! My blood pressure was high when I first got there, but they re-took it a few minutes later and it was back to normal. I am still retaining water, but not as much as last week. Natalie is doing great....but she is still breech! At my next appointment (next Thursday), I am getting an ultrasound to confirm her position. If she is still breech, then I will probably be scheduled for a C-section, somewhere around June 5th. I got "checked" for the first time (to see if I'm dilated), and I'm not dilated, which is normal for 35 weeks. It also makes me feel better about Derek going out of town next week! Hopefully she won't show up early!
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Trip To The Hospital and Partial Bedrest
Wow! A lot has happened since the last post! On Wednesday night (April 30th), I started feeling TERRIBLE! I had a horrible headache with blurred vision and my face was incredibly flushed. After laying down for a few hours along with Tylenol, it just kept getting worse. We called the doctor and because of my recent swelling and high blood pressure, she wanted me to come in to the hospital to get checked out. After a few hours of monitoring the baby and my blood pressure, along with some blood and urine tests, they let me go home. My blood pressure was high, but not too bad, and got better when I layed down. All the blood work came back great and I was told to take it easy over the next few days. My 24-hour urine test meant for this week was moved to the very next day (May 1st) and I was ordered not to go to work for a few days. After relaxing all day Thursday, I had another doctor's appointment Friday morning (just for follow up after the hospital visit). I felt SO much better Friday morning and the doctors were very happy with what they saw! My blood pressure was completely back to normal and all 8 pounds of swelling I had gained previously were gone! The conclusion: take it easy, put my feet up, drink lots of water, and relax! I had MORE blood work done on Friday. The results of that and my 24-hour urine test should come in this week!
I can still work, but now I am no longer on call (ever) and only working a few hours a day doing very easy tasks!
Mom came in town Friday afternoon and we had so much fun! She helped me get everything ready for Natalie's arrival and we spent a lot of time washing her clothes, putting her bottles in the kitchen cabinet, putting batteries in all of her contraptions, and packing hospital bags! I couldn't have done it all without her!
Tomorrow is my first day back to work since last Wednesday, and I plan on taking it VERY easy! A new picture of me is coming soon....I promise. Tomorrow is 35 weeks! I have another doctor's appointment Wednesday afternoon -- the first of several in which I get "checked" to see if I'm dilating....guess we'll see!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Partial Bedrest...Not Too Fun!
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 34 week appointment. Apparently, in 11 days I had managed to gain 8 pounds! Wow! (Normal is about a pound a week at this point). I was shocked, mainly because I had not eaten any more these past 11 days than I usually do. The nurse saw my shock and quickly helped me understand that it really didn't have anything to do with what or how much I had been eating. It was all water weight AKA swelling. That didn't surprise me because I have been noticing lately how swollen my hands and face have been getting! So on to the blood pressure part of the blood pressure was high, but not terrible. 140/70 -- it has been worse at other appointments. But I guess the combination of the high blood pressure and the swelling/water weight gain didn't sit well with the doctors.
The doctor comes in and asks if I want to be on bedrest. I laugh and say, "No, who DOES wanna be on bedrest?" She laughed and then said for now I just need to work a few hours a day, which I usually do anyway, but other than that, be at home on the couch or in bed with my feet propped up and drinking lots of water. Next week I have to do a 24-hour urine test (that's right -- no leaving the house for 24 hours while I collect my urine and keep it in a refrigerated container --EW) and lots and lots of blood work. These tests are testing my kidney and liver functions as well as some other things...the results of these tests will tell the doctor if I have preeclampsia and need more bedrest or not (I don't think less is an option). Preeclampsia can cause liver/kidney/other damage to the mother and even affect the baby's circulation if it gets too bad. But like I told Derek and my mom, the doctors aren't going to let it get to that point. If the test results aren't great, then they will probably put me on full bedrest. The doctor did say that I probably won't make it to my due date -- they would induce me at 37-38 weeks if this problem doesn't go away. The only cure for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby.
But other than all that junk, I am feeling okay. I can definitely feel the effects of the higher blood pressure (my face is red a lot, headaches, etc.) and the swelling is not fun either. But I am not feeling absolutely terrible or anything. The doctor says Natalie herself is doing great. She is kind of lying sideways/diagonal at this point, with her head more down than up, but she is not straight up and down. Her feet are under my right rib cage.
We had an AWESOME time with Susan and Zach these past few days...and I can't wait for mom to be here on Friday to help me wash Natalie's clothes and bottles and pack our bags for the hospital!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
33 weeks and counting...
Well, I am now 33 weeks and 1 day...getting closer! I had a doctor's appointment last week and the doctor seems to think that Natalie might have flipped around! He wasn't completely sure and didn't seem too concerned with it until my 36 week appointment, but just by feeling around, he thought the head was down. I'm pretty sure he is right because a couple of nights ago Natalie had a big case of the hiccups and I felt them way down low! I should know a little more at my next doctor's appointment which is in about a week.
Derek and I have both been having lots of strange baby dreams. He dreamed that we lost Natalie once we brought her home (like in the covers or something) but no one besides himself was concerned. Last night I had a dream really similar -- I couldn't find Natalie to feed her and no one thought it was a big deal. Haha. I guess these just show that we are starting to get nervous!
Susan and Zach are coming on Saturday to visit for a few days and I am so excited!! I miss my friends and family a lot and this trip will help so much! And then my mom is coming a week after Susan and Zach get here, which will be so great too. I know she is excited to see me and I am excited to see her. I think she's gonna help me wash all of Natalie's clothes, blankets, etc., get the bottles all ready to go, and even help us pack our bags for the hospital.
It's very strange to think that 4 weeks from now, Natalie won't be considered premature anymore! Very weird!!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
32 weeks!
Today makes 32 weeks! Only 8 more to go (unless I have a scheduled C-section, and then only 7 more to go!). I can't believe it is getting this still feels so far away! Derek and I are just about finished with all of our childbirth classes...we only have a couple to go! Tonite is C-section night at our Lamaze class, so that should be interesting! I hear videos are involved...
Last week we did Baby Care Basics, Breastfeeding, and Save-A-Baby, which were all pretty good! Derek did great changing our plastic baby's diaper and swaddling her. We DID end up with the black plastic baby in both classes, which was weird, cause no one else had a black baby (even the black couples). Of course Derek found some humor in that and made some funny jokes!
I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday -- just to check the normal stuff (weight, blood pressure, baby position, etc.) . Maybe Natalie decided to flip since the last appointment, but if she did, I didn't notice!
I don't know if any other pregnant women experience this, but the belly can be misleading! Here's what I mean...the size of my belly plus the pressure it creates on my stomach makes me feel like I'm full all of the time! Therefore, I never really feel that hungry anymore. This caught up with me yesterday when I almost passed out (literally) around 2 pm because I hadn't eaten anything all day. I never once even thought about eating (and if you know me, you know that just doesn't happen). So now I am trying to be more concious about eating at least a little something every few hours so my blood sugar doesn't get low and I get all woozy again...
That's about it!
Last week we did Baby Care Basics, Breastfeeding, and Save-A-Baby, which were all pretty good! Derek did great changing our plastic baby's diaper and swaddling her. We DID end up with the black plastic baby in both classes, which was weird, cause no one else had a black baby (even the black couples). Of course Derek found some humor in that and made some funny jokes!
I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday -- just to check the normal stuff (weight, blood pressure, baby position, etc.) . Maybe Natalie decided to flip since the last appointment, but if she did, I didn't notice!
I don't know if any other pregnant women experience this, but the belly can be misleading! Here's what I mean...the size of my belly plus the pressure it creates on my stomach makes me feel like I'm full all of the time! Therefore, I never really feel that hungry anymore. This caught up with me yesterday when I almost passed out (literally) around 2 pm because I hadn't eaten anything all day. I never once even thought about eating (and if you know me, you know that just doesn't happen). So now I am trying to be more concious about eating at least a little something every few hours so my blood sugar doesn't get low and I get all woozy again...
That's about it!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Accessories and Belly Pictures
Natalie's Room So Far!
Here are some pictures of Natalie's room....the crib isn't set up due the fact we are moving in July....I figured she could easily survive in the bassinet/pack n play for the first 6 weeks or so. I am quite excited about the super comfortable glider and ottoman -- I've already started sitting in it every day and rocking for a little while! Sorry the room is so boring, but, since we are trying to sell the house, we didn't want to paint the walls or even really hang up anything yet. Just the basics are in there now!
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