Tuesday, May 27, 2008

38 Weeks Today!

Sorry -- it's been a while since my last post!

I can't believe my due date is only 2 weeks away!  In some ways it seems so unreal that it's already almost here, but in other ways, my body is screaming to get this baby out!  I'm STILL not dilated, but Natalie's head has come down further in the past week.  I go to the doctor again on Monday (June 2nd) for my 39 week appointment, so we'll see what happens!  Maybe I'll be at least a little dilated...

Mom is coming in tonite and I am SO excited.  She will be here for several weeks -- until and after Natalie is here and we get settled in at home.  Derek is on his way to the airport now to get her.  I am excited she is able to come in time for my birthday tomorrow, so that should be lots of fun!

Derek gave me my birthday present a little early today -- a beautiful drop-down emerald necklace that I saw at the jewelry store not too long ago and loved!  I know I'm not much of a jewelry kinda girl, but this necklace is SO pretty -- and I really love my birthstone!

Hopefully Natalie will be here soon, but I know she will come when she's ready, so I may be waiting a while!  It is getting more and more difficult to sleep at night, but I guess that's just practice for when she arrives!  I've started getting a few signs and symptoms that labor is coming sooner than later (in the next few days to weeks), but I'm not sure the details are appropriate for the blog...haha!

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