Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Uncooperative Natalie

So yesterday was a crazy day!  We waited over an hour and a half for our 4D ultrasound due to some emergencies in the doctor's office, which was no big deal to me actually.  But when we got in there, Natalie just wouldn't show her face.  Apparently she LOVES to play with her feet right in front of her face.  So, instead of seeing her head/face, we saw 2 feet, a hand, and actually her umbilical cord which she was playing with right in front of her eyes.  Needless to say, the ultrasound tech tried to move her around and reposition her to get her to move her feet and hands, but no luck.  We got a couple of pictures that show half a nose here and there, but nothing worth even posting!  We are going back hopefully Friday morning to try again, but I'm not too confidant.  Even her early ultrasound pictures showed that her feet were up by her face.  I just think she likes to keep them there.  The ultrasound tech was amazed that she was crunched into such a little ball when she has plenty of room in there to spread out.  Oh well.  Only my child.

Last night was also the first night of Lamaze class.  I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought.  There were 6 or 7 couples, all first timers, so it was fun talking to people in the same position as us.  Most of the couples are due in early-middle June,  so we're all in about the same time frame.  Derek even enjoyed himself, but mostly because he was a bit of a class clown and cracked lots of jokes, but I wouldn't expect it any other way.  Hehe.  In one of the weeks, we have to watch a couple of videos, one of a vaginal delivery and the other of a C-section.  Derek is not too excited about that, but who can blame him.  

I'll try and post a couple of the pictures from yesterday's ultrasound, but they are not too great!  Hopefully we'll get better ones soon.  Oh yeah!  I passed my glucose/gestational diabetes test from last week, so that is one less thing to worry about!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Congrats on passing your glucose test. I take mine tomorrow. Grace did the same thing as Natalie at our last appointment! She was playing with her feet and was folded almost completely in half. We only got a quick peek at her face, and even that shot was shadowy because of all the stuff so close to her face. At least you get another try to see her. Maybe she will have moved by Friday!