Tuesday, February 24, 2009

9 month Old Update and a Promise

Hey all,

I don't even know if anybody reads this anymore but I am gonna start keeping up with this site now that my basketball season is over....

Well like I said:  Basketball for me is over :(    &  :) = (mixed emotions)  On one hand I am happy b/c  of a few reasons: I can go home early; hang out more with the Natty & Court.;maybe start working out; have more time to for golf.  

On the other hand: It is not a certainty that I will get to come back to BOLTON b/c of new staff being hired by the new football coach( who ever that ends up being) so i might get cut...blah blah blah..... to put it in simple terms this might be the first/last season I coach there.  BUT, I don't care either way really.  I will follow God's Plan what ever that might be. 


I can't express how much being a father has changed my life for the better.  Natalie is such source of pride for me.  I am so quick to show pics of her, tell stories about her, or anything else that involves her.  I honestly can't remember and don't want to remember what life was like without her.  She has been such a blessing to Courtnie and I.  I thanks GOD everyday for giving her to us....:)

Hmmm...what else?  oh....Courtnie and I are weight-watcher members.  Thats going OK I guess.We have both lost weight but not as much as we would have hoped for at this point.  I guess I just gotta learn that breaking a lifetime of bad eating habits is gonna take time.  I'll keep you posted on that battle.  

Courtnie is doing great. She is loving being a MOM. Especially lately, when Natalie is upset or tired or cranky she has turned into a Momma's Girl.  She only wants momma and Courtnie loves it.  Oh well, she did carry her for 9+ months so I'll let her have that one.
Courtnie is also loving her job.  She has nothing but great things to say about it.....

And last but not least the real reason you read this blog : NATALIE....

-Natalie is great.  She is very very mobile these days.  Crawling around and getting into everything.  She almost sampled some dog food tonight but I got there in the nick of time.  The first of many close calls I think.  She is also very vocal.  She is always babbling something. Its so fun to hear her except when your on the phone..ha ha...  She has grown so fast already.  I can't believe she is almost 9 months old already.  Time is flying by....but it has been a fun ride so far...Well that's all for now...I promise to keep you 2, 3, 4 or 0 people better updates and i will have a few pics next post....  Take care and God bless



Anonymous said...

I am glad someone cares about posting about your sweet natalie for the people who don't get to see her that often :)

Anonymous said...

I keep checking occassionally hoping you'll post something...I was pleasantly surprised today, but what we all really want to see are pictures of Natalie!!


Laury said...

yay! an update!!

Ashley said...

Yeah...thanks Derek since your wife is a MAJOR blog slacker. Can't wait till football season so I can see my little bug a little more frequently. Don't you forget our deal.... :)