Monday, December 10, 2007

14 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 14 weeks!  At this point, the baby can smile, frown, squint, and even suck his (or her) thumb.  I am feeling a LOT better lately  -- no nausea at all and I don't require 12-14 hours of sleep anymore!  Haha.  However, my back pain is horrible!  I really think I have a rib that somehow gets out of place and is then pushing on a nerve because my back always hurts in the exact same spot along my ribline.  My skin will even go numb sometimes (which is why I think a nerve might be involved).  I am making an appointment with a chiropractor who has lots of experience with pregnant women.  Hopefully I can get in to see him this week before Derek and I head home on Friday!  I'm sure my plane ride would be a lot more comfortable if I can get this problem at least temporarily fixed.  But either way, I am REALLY excited about going home and seeing my family and friends.  I think that's about it!  I'll post some pictures of the weekend next week.

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