Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mood swings!

Hello to all who read this!

Me and baby are doing great!  (Or is it Baby and I???? -- Mom would know).  Anyway, I am 12 1/2 weeks and feeling a LOT better!  My back still gives me problems some days, but I've gotten used to it.  Now I'm really starting to want to eat a lot more and more often!  Poor Derek, he has been dealing with all of this really well -- the mood swings are out of control at this point, but hopefully will get better.  I am to the point of definitely wearing maternity clothes, as the pooch just keeps getting bigger.  I get to go home and see family and friends in 2 weeks and I can't wait!  According to my book I'm reading, the baby is about the size of a peach and has all necessary body parts, including fingerprints!  I guess that's it for now!

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