Thursday, May 8, 2008

35 week appointment

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 35 week appointment...everything was pretty good!  My blood pressure was high when I first got there, but they re-took it a few minutes later and it was back to normal.  I am still retaining water, but not as much as last week.  Natalie is doing great....but she is still breech!  At my next appointment (next Thursday), I am getting an ultrasound to confirm her position.  If she is still breech, then I will probably be scheduled for a C-section, somewhere around June 5th.  I got "checked" for the first time (to see if I'm dilated), and I'm not dilated, which is normal for 35 weeks.  It also makes me feel better about Derek going out of town next week!  Hopefully she won't show up early!  

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