Monday, October 8, 2007

Interesting Sensations...

First of all, GEAUX TIGERS!!! Ok, now that I've said THAT, I can move on to other things.  Oh yeah, Go Stanford too.  Anyway, I took Derek to Target yesterday after church to walk around  in the baby section.  After about 3 minutes, he was all sweaty and not feeling too good!  I guess he was a little overwhelmed by all of the gadgets and the fact that I said we needed almost every one of them.  He did enjoy trying on the "man diaper bag" things, though.  The past day or two I've really been feeling lots of strange sensations around my abdomen and back.  Apparently, this is called round ligament stretching and is just the beginnings of my body making room for baby.  Needless to say, it feels quite weird.  Other than that, I'm still feeling decent, just tired a lot.  And I woke up yesterday morning with this intense desire to eat chips and guacamole for breakfast, which I proudly did.  I can't say for sure if being pregnant caused this, but either way, it was a good excuse to eat a bunch of crap for breakfast!  I am getting excited about the doctor's appointment a week from today, mainly because of the ultrasound and picture I get to take home.

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