Friday, October 12, 2007

Nothing much to report...I am still very TIRED all of the time. But sleeping isn't the worst thing in the world! The newest thing that I'm experiencing is a tightening in my abdomen (no, I don't have a six pack LOL). Every now and then my stomach will get really hard, kind of like there is a rock in there. I have no idea what that is all about, but it's a weird feeling! Tonight I am in a friend's wedding that I am very excited about, and tomorrow Derek and I are driving down to Lexington to watch LSU stomp all over UK. Other than that, just a few more days until the Dr.'s appointment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the hard feeling is really a lot of GAS! Can hardly believe you will have more gas than you usually do.. oh well.... love you bunches, mom