Tuesday, June 3, 2008

39 Week Appointment and just a little progress...

Yesterday me, mom, and Derek went to the doctor for my 39 week visit. It seems I have a made a LITTLE progress since last appointment, but not too much. I am still not even 1 cm dilated, but I am 50% effaced, which is a measurement of how much my cervix is thinning out. Apparently you have to be effaced a little before you can dilate. Now that I am effacing, hopefully the dilation will follow soon! My blood pressure was great (120/78) and I had gained only a pound in a week and a half, which was normal.

Natalie is doing great -- just running out of room! I am posting an eviction notice for her by this weekend (my goal is to have her out by Saturday)! I am really enjoying my time with mom and all of the cleaning and cooking she's been doing for us. I am getting spoiled for sure!

My next appoinment is next week on my due date (Tuesday), and if I'm dilated more, then they may consider induction at some point after my due date. We'll see!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm having a little nostalgia (if that's the right word) reading your post. I remember the week before Jack was born with so much fondness. I know you're uncomfortable and SO ready for her to get here, but soak up these last few days! Pamper yourself, take plenty of naps, and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy doing. My only tip for going into labor - go to Lowe's and buy some plants and pot them. That's what put me into labor. HA!