Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mommy Post #3

It is 5 am and Natalie has finally pooped!  We put her in the nursery for the night, but I ended up calling the nurse at 4:30 am for some pain meds (oh yeah) and she happily reported to me while she was in here that Natalie pooped twice since midnight.  Guess that formula really helped things along!  So we should definitely be going home today (Saturday) at some point.  I decided that Natalie is very stubborn sometimes -- wonder who she gets that from?  Haha.  Hopefully I'll be able to get another hour of sleep here before they bring her back to me.  I was just too excited about the poop news to go back to sleep immediately.  Is it sad that my biggest excitement these days involves baby poop?  Hmmm.... I am still feeling pretty good, but as my good surgery drugs continue to finally wear off, the soreness of major abdominal surgery is starting to appear!  I am realizing how much help I'm gonna need when I get home!


Ashley said...

Yay Natalie...super pooper :) Make sure to take lots of pictures from the trip home!

Megan said...

poop will be a major topic of conversation from now on. baby poop is very exciting :) congrats on a beautiful baby girl!

The Woodards said...

I'm so happy for you and your family, Courtnie! You are going to be a wonderful mother. I love the updates too!