Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Derek's Post # 7 .....Broken Water

As previously stated, the doctor was suppose to come in and break Courtnie's water for her but Courtnie's water just broke all by itself.  She has been very proactive  in this process up to this point.  Going into labor on her own and now water breaking own its own.  She was happy that it happened without help.  And at her request, there will be no pictures of the broken water....



Ashley said...

Why no pictures, shawl? I bet it looks like you peed in the bed :) Surely the broken water will speed things up!!! Can't wait for Miss you shawl!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates, DG!! I hope you and Shawl are feeling well...and I am so sad that there will no pictures of the broken water :) make sure and get lots of video; I want to see every minute (or I guess I will see whatever you decide to video tape)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you didn't faint at seeing all the nasty broken water -thats the gross part!

Abbie said...

Yeah! I am glad that things seem to be going well. Sometimes things start to speed up once you get through the first 4 and your water breaks! Enjoy that epidural :)

Anonymous said...

i can't wait for natalie to get here and to see lots of pictures!!!