Thursday, June 12, 2008

Who's Your Daddy #2......Settling In Part 2

Well all is great in Natalie Land.  She is such the sleeper right now. Well take that while we can.As far as feedings go  she has fed like 5 times and the nurses told us 1 or 2 is good at this point.  Quite the eater but hey she was doomed by genetics.  The staff Pediatrician came in and gave her a full exam just while ago.  Proud to report a clean bill of health for the baby girl.  Momma is doing great also.  She is up and around more than any nurse thought she would be at this point.  She is already on solid foods and all her wires and hoses come out today.  My parents and Mr. Richard arrive today.  Courtnie and I can't wait.  Here are a few more pics for your viewing pleasure.....Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers....


P.S.  the pic of just her feet is the Baby-Low-Jack system they have here..HA HA


Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is doing well. And I'm super jealous that everyone is up there but me :(

Anonymous said...

I am also jealous! I cannot wait to meet Natalie and hold her! She's just precious...shawl, looks like you got your asian baby after all :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there New Parents!! She is adorable!!! I am glad both are doing well. Hopefully we will get to see you all soon. If you need anything give us a call. (I can't check the internet very often.) Love you all!!! Proud of you Courtnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!